This is How We Dream
In This is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2, Richard Miller explains to his viewers that the methods of information composition are changing. Where students once used pencil, paper, and word processors, they now compose with technology using visual and audio supplements to improve the presentation of information.
It does not take a technologically affluent individual to realize that our lives have changed with the emergence of great technological innovation. And at the fore front of such technological advance is the ability to communicate globally and instantaneously. This ability gives us the opportunity to collaborate with people all over the world. The video suggests that for the sake of the humanities, we should start presenting our information compositions as beautiful and compelling. By doing so, we enrich the learning process for all who view your academic work. As the video also suggested, the ability to communicate so efficiently allows for ideas to be pushed into our culture rapidly. We, as educators should be at the front of these conversations and presenting aesthetically pleasing, accurate representations of our disciplines.
Personally, I have never used tools like these to help me with presentation of information. While I feel I am slightly more prepared to use multi media to write since I started EDM310, I also realized that I have a long way to go until I am confident enough to instruct others. I have a personal goal to make myself very familiar with writing using alternate multi media outlets before I start teaching, giving my students the opportunity to succeed in a ever-changing academic environment.
Carly Pugh's Blog Post #12
Carly Pugh's assignment was to create a Youtube playlist while meeting the following requirements:
1) describe the kind of teacher you would like to be
2) show ways you can
motivate your students
3) offer tips on classroom management.
4) offer
tutorials on programs you have learned about in this class that you like so much
you would like to use (podcast, iPods, PLN's, etc.)
5) are on topics related
to your field of study; for example, if you are going to be an English Teacher,
include videos about Shakespeare, poetry, novels, things of that nature.
describe what a good teacher is and what a bad teacher is
7) ways to improve
modern education as we know it
8) have been used in other blog posts from
this semester. It could be a video you had to write about or one posted on the
blog of a fellow classmate, teacher, or classroom's blog.
9) center around
10) advocate challenging, motivating, encouraging, and
supporting students
Carly's post was very aligned with Richard Miller's thoughts on writing using multi media tools. I like the idea of using a Youtube playlist to qualify the different criteria listed in Carly's post as an assignment for EDM310. It is creative and requires it's participants to utilize tools that Richard Miller encourages his viewers to employ.
EDM310 Is Different
In the video Edm 310 for Dummies, two students demonstrate how the class can sometimes be frustrating and overwhelmed with an award deserving performance. Only after obtaining the book Edm 310 For Dummies do the girls relax and start getting something from the class.
I can relate to this video. I was very frustrated in the beginning as I was not the best with social media and technology in general. Before diving into assignments, I dedicated myself to learning what I knew would be required to do well in the class. Only after learning Google Docs, Twitter, Blogger, and Youtube did I start feeling more confident about my grasp on this class. I have also learned that comprehension of all the tools used in EDM310 is half of the battle. You also have to manage your time appropriately. I believe that EDM310 is a lesson in time management just as much as it is anything else.
In the video The Chipper Series, a student by the name of Chipper approaches Dr. Strange about changing things up in her class. She approaches him about turning assignments in late as well as his methods of teaching. She procrastinates and turns assignments in late, yet expects to receive credit. After becoming frustrated, she leaves school and starts her own, Timeline Pilot School. Timeline Pilot School a flexible school that allows it's students to come and go as they please and set the methods of their own learning. The school ultimately fails and she decides to pursue teaching. Only after being fired for not showing up does she decide to get her act together.
It is important to view school as a job, because that is what it is preparing us for. Our instructors, we should view as bosses. Just as true for school, it is unacceptable in most occupations to do as you please, set your own time restraints, and adjust for any other pressures. It is the student's job to take their academics seriously and do as their told. It is not required to agree with all of your professors. But for most classes, it is required to attend class and turn in assignments on time. It is our generation of students that have developed a sense of entitlement that caters to a way of thinking that is self absorbed and lazy. We, as educators must confront this with teaching techniques that promote independent thinking and assignments that require discipline and creativity.
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
In the video Learn to Change, Change to Learn, distinguished individuals in education discuss the need for reform in the classroom.
In the first seconds of the video, one of the educators stated that the Department of Commerce ranked the industries in order of their technological presence. Of the 55 industries, education ranked 55th just below coal mining. It is evident that reform is needed.
The proof is in the pudding. I constatnly see data that emphasizes our decline in education when compared to other nations. We are witnessing our students becoming less engaged in their education. This is most likely the cause of the sense of entitlement that is present in today's students. As discussed in the video, the literacies required to succeed in today's world is different from those required in previous generations. We treat the classroom like we do the factory with emphasis on order and control. What we need is a system dedicated to using the latest technological tools to educate our students. Today's students will be required to know how to find information, validate that information, leverage that information, and colaborate with the information. To enlist these skills in our students require we aggresively assert technology into our education system.
Scavenger Hunt 2.0
In this assignment, we were required to locate three of the following options and follow the instructions in the course instuction manual. I found the following:
1. Similiar to Facebook and Twitter, Ning uses the social media platform to enable it's users to interact with one another. From my investigation, Ning would be even more beneficial for educators. Just like Facebook and Twitter, you can interact with other users and share content instantaneously. Unlike it's counterparts, Ning emphasizes the ability to organize and share the stage to keep content fresh. You are able to let members share photos, voice opinions in comments and blogs, bring stories to life with videos, and feed into the excitement of interaction with a more aesthetically pleasing way of sharing content.
3. I created a comic using Make Beliefs Comix. My comix can be found at Sam's Comic. I can see where this tool would be a great activity for the classroom. I see it as a fun tool to spark the imagination of your students. By making my own comic, I was required to come up with something imaginative and creative. By asking my students to use Make Beliefs Comix, I will be asking them to do the same thing.
5. I created a poll which can be found at Poll Everywhere.
Much, much better. Thorough, thoughtful, well done!